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Robots.txt Generator

Easily Generate and Customize Your Robots.txt File to Guide Search Engine Crawlers

A robots.txt file is essential for guiding search engine crawlers on which pages of your website should be indexed or ignored. With the Robots.txt Generator, you can easily create and customize this file to control crawler access to specific areas of your website. This tool allows you to include directives like "Disallow," "Allow," and "User-agent" to manage search engine bots' behavior. Whether you want to block certain pages, restrict access to sensitive content, or ensure proper indexing, our tool helps you optimize your SEO strategy by creating a well-structured robots.txt file.


SEO and digital marketing

offers a comprehensive suite of free SEO tools designed to optimize your website, boost search engine rankings, and enhance user engagement. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or website owner, we provide powerful and easy-to-use tools to help you succeed online.